A project run by Mark Kremer in co-operation with the Dutch Art Institute.
GoodTrip/BadTrip was a research project which involved the connections of the art of the sixties (Psychedelia and Conceptualism) with the contemporary art nowadays.
A trip can take place on a mental and/or physical level.
My project was a research on a mental level. I decided to grow my beard, from February 1st on. And leave it till the endpoint of the trip to Siberia, where the grown beard would be shaven. Everday a self portrait was taken and kept in a blog.
[qt:http://eelcowagenaar.nl/test_wordpress/wp-content/uploads/photolog_352x288.mp4 352 288]
Kick off! Started today.
Smooth shaved.
No mustache,
no beard,
no side-burns.
Monday morning, start of a working week at the office in Haarlem.
Day 2/ 02-02-2010; about 07:10am
Tuesday, another day of going to the office in Haarlem. Tonight my parents and girlfriend over for dinner. No visual signs of facial hair growth jet.
Day3/ 03-02-2010/ 07:21am
New day. Another office day.First signs of development of my mustache.
Strange thing this morning; while trying to read Roland Barthes on the bus to Haarlem, for the 3rd day in a row the same woman sits down next to me.
Day4/ 04-02-2010/ 07:21am
Yet the last working day of this week.. After the mustache also the side-burns starting to show some development.
Day5 /05-02-2010 /10:20am
First day of the week of not going to the office in Haarlem. Still a busy day and working on my ‘own’ (artistic) work.. Now also the beard is starting to develop some growth.
Day 6 /06-02-2010/11:05am
Beard starts also to show.. Already got comments on that behalf…
Sunday, a day to spend on preparing a presentation for the DAI.
And Monday again. Back to Haarlem, engineering trains..
After yesterday going to Haarlem by motorbike. Today, cause of cold and maybe slippery, again by bus to Haarlem. My beard is starting to really show…
Starting to have some upcoming itching from my beard…
Normal workday, but the last of this week. Slept like a baby. Beard start to itch seriously..
Weekend starts on Friday morning. Busy schedule still. My beard is starting to be a beard and itching is serious and all the time..
Busy Saturday.. Preparing for a show and also for going to Enschede to DAI… Got a haircut today, while my beard still itches…
Hurrying to catch the train to Enschede. Today finishing my presentation for Tuesday.. Still on the point of itching on my face..
Monday morning, first day of DAI week.
Starts to look as a full beard. Some comments where that it looks more friendly..
Tuesday, presentation day at the DAI. I am ready for it. Seems that the itching of my beard becomes less, or i am getting used to it..
Getting used to my face with a beard. Seems that i do look like my older brother, which before never really showed.
Thursday, my last day of this week in Enschede. Tomorrow we’ll have to be in Utrecht.
Getting used to my beard. Now starting to develop a curiosity about the power of beards.. even when mine is still hardly a beard.
Friday, last day of DAI week. Slept at home. Today in Utrecht, negotiating equity. Have to do research on the power of a beard/hair..
Saturday, going out of the house with Goncalo, to check out some galleries after having done some work..
Beard starts to feel more comfortable now..
Three weeks since I my last shave. Really getting at ease with the idea of my beard. If I look down I can see a reddish glance of my mustache, which I have never seen directly. Walking outdoor will also give a bit of moist in my beard and mustache which give it a fresh feeling.
Monday, another crazy day in Haarlem.
People where surprised I have a beard.
Tuesday, very early morning. For work, up and down to Birmingham today…
Not the best day, but still…
Thursday, it’s not going to be a promising day at work….
Friday, weekend at last. Has Been to long a week in Haarlem..
Saturday morning. For me a late start of the weekend.. Beard seems to develop some kind of softness..
Sunday. Today I washed my beard with shampoo and conditioner.. So it will keep its natural glance and stay healthy and smooth.
Today researching for my running projects.. It seems I can’t just start up one project, but always start 4 or 5….
Monday. Not working in Haarlem today, but preparing my administration for my accountant.
Tuesday. Been a long day after a short night. But doing ok.
Wednesday. Half of the week, but feels like Tuesday. Mustache and side burns seem to grow a bit faster then the beard.
Thursday, last day of the week working in Haarlem. Getting used to my beard, only the mustache I am not so sure about..
Friday. Finally for me again a normal Friday. Getting comfortable with my beard, although the mustache, I still don’t know. My knee is still not as it should be, tried to go running again to day but had to abort.
Saturday. Nice day, sunny but the forecast was snow… We’ll see.
Beard seems not to grow much anymore..
Sunday morning, sun is shinning. Spring. The beard seems to exits of three colours, namely red, white and blond.
Monday morning starting with snow. But not enough that I would go by bus to Haarlem. Hopefully a week that everything gets back to normal in Haarlem.
Tuesday. Today I got comments that I looked of course a bit like van Gogh. But the other interesting figure that I was called to look like was Chuck Norris….
Wednesday. Another day of going to Haarlem. Freezing cold. Now a phase started of more itching again. Also getting more comments and remarks from the people I work with.
Thursday, last day of working for the needed money.. Realized today, that after 40 days, the beard isn’t that impressive..
Friday morning. Whole day scheduled for writing a sort of application, something about my new installation, giving advise for a project and try to work a bit on 2 or 3 installations in my stdio at home.. Yesterday at an opening I got a lot of positive comments on my beard and seems some guys are jealous of my beard..
Nice thing I like about it is my ‘original’ red hair colour..
Saturday, today is going to be a bit of a relaxing one…
Sunday, started of early but relaxed. Gonna do some more reading and hopefully also some writing.
Monday, back to Haarlem. Going to be a busy 2 weeks from now on.. Fully booked all ready. Yesterday a nice conversation with my downstairs neighbour Bob about beards and that he used to have one as well…
Tuesday, ready to go to work..
Wednesday. Promising to be a nice spring day. My knee still not fine.
Luckily I still have my beard.
Thursday, last day of working in Haarlem this week. Had my knee tested with the fifth physiotherapist.. First real spring day and had a nice talk with a friend today..
Friday. Today working in Boukjes’ new appartment. Friends starting to call me baardmans.
Saturday. Still more working in the new apartment. Tomorrow, back to Enschede.
Sunday. Getting ready for DAI week. A spring day and counting down for Siberia.. which is only more than a month away..
Monday morning. Drinking my coffee in the DAI house. Today my 50th day of non shaving.. In a way I expected my beard to grow much longer in this time period. But it is more dense then I expected.
Tuesday. In my studio at the DAI. Looks like it is going to be a sunny day and we are stuck inside the project room all day.
Wednesday already. Half way through DAI week. I am looking like a sailor I’ve been told quite some times this week..
Thursday, the last day of this week in Enschede. Yesterday we’ve been told that there is a possibility that our trip is postponed till end of may. Which in my case will lead to a bigger beard in the end..
Friday, Arrived home yesterday evening around 12. Always good to sleep in my own bed. Today for the negotiating equity project we will be at the Nieuwe Vide in Haarlem, which actually is very close to ‘the office’ I work at in Haarlem.
Saturday, preparing my installation for the try out next week. Tomorrow moving Boukje into her new apartment.
Sunday, after a short night, we went to summertime.. We got up early and started moving.
Monday, back to work in Haarlem
, getting some structure back in my daily life.
Tuesday, another office day, writing reports. Hopefully everything for the sound of shadow show is back on track..
Wednesday. A beard or not o beard.
Thursday. Giving some kind of presentation at work today.
Friday, another milestone.. Now it seems again I am about half of my beard trip.. Started to build up my Shadowplay installation.
Getting comments that now my beard starts to look fake, cause its longer then my head hair.. And being called captain Redbeard, which comes close to the former Frisian king Raedbout..
Saturday, final work for the try-out tonight. Everything under control.
Sunday. There is always a day after to deconstruct installations…
Monday. Funny thing, I hardly ever recall any of my dreams, but now I dreamed about accidentally shaving a piece of my beard.
Tuesday, after a long Easter weekend
, back to ‘normal’ mode.
Wednesday. Shouldn’t have late meetings during work days, but that’s for having a hybrid practice. Now getting comments like ‘hey Osama’.
Thursday. In a creative brainstorm with the company I used to work for. Also showing my inverted shadow installation at Docklands.
Friday. Normally a ‘not working’ day, but want to finish some things.. But rather would have been working for ‘my own’ projects..
Saturday, weekend.. Yesterday, after working on a Friday stopped by at the Nieuwe Vide to check out the program. More and more it looks like my practice and job are getting related.. Now a nice sunny spring day..
Sunday, after a few good spring days, now more cloudy. It has been a short weekend, now trying to fit all my todo’s into 1 day..
Monday, start of a new week. Lot of energy and wanting to finish some ongoing projects.
Tuesday. Another fresh new day. Yesterday evening even did some effective work and a meeting about on-signal giving technical support on Vurige Tongen festival, end of May.
Got a comment that the beard makes me look much older.
Wednesday. The working week is half way through.. This week getting some good work done, also on the art side.
Thursday. Last day of the working week. Good weather, good mood. Lets see today.
Friday. Full program. …
Saturday. Attending the AR Dev Camp at Mediamatic today. Sitting inside while it is going to be good weather. Yesterday had some psychedelic experience while having my eyes checked at the optician. Which actually was quite good. Found out my pupils react very fast, faster then the doctor expected…
Sunday, a sunny day. Weekends can be tiring.. Hopefully a relaxed Sunday.
Monday. Back to work, but first a visit to the dentist to check some work she did a year ago.
Tuesday. Yesterday evening finished the introductory I promised to write and also finished a proposal for a show in September.
Wednesday. Last day of this week in Haarlem. 2morrow and Friday a symposium on private and public and art and interactivity..
Tonight testing the blue-tooth installation for Vurige Tongen festival at Ruigoord.
Thursday. Not working in Haarlem but attending a symposium on interactivity, private/public and art.
Friday. Skipped the second day of the symposium just to finish some work. Another sunny spring day.
Saturday. Yesterday afternoon it was a Spanish session. Meeting some old and new friend. Today some more work to be done…
Sunday. Another beautiful day. Probably gonna hang out in the park and read ‘Delusive Spaces’..
Monday. Back to Haarlem today. Fresh start of the new week.
Tuesday. Yesterday everything went my way. Hopefully today also, but we’ll have to see.
Wednesday. Halfway through the week. Now getting a bit fed up with having a beard. Now about 3 months without shaving.
Thursday. Tonie, queensnite in Amsterdam. First having kind of a presentation at Rietveld.
Friday. Queensday, always fun after a queensnight in Amsterdam with some beers. Hopefully the weather gets better.
Saturday. Recovery day.. But also work to do. We’ll see how it goes.
Sunday. Today starting to build up for the Sound of Shadow and finishing some other business.
Monday. Back to the office after a late night working. And tonight, same story. Hopefully we make up the time for the too late delivery of the materials. Yesterday I even got compliments on my beard by a bearded guy.
Tuesday. Looks like we are on schedule for the Sound of Shadow. Have to install my work and just write an opening speach.
First, working on trains.
Wednesday. Today, Liberation day and the opening. Finished yesterday with setting up my installation. Just some small fine tuning to do. Biggest thing, i just only still have to write the opening speech..
Thursday. Day after a nice opening with loads of people.. Back to Haarlem for a half day.. After a long sleep..
Friday. Not working in Haarlem, but other appointments on the schedule. Upcoming projects.. Today going to have a haircut, and also the finnisage of the show and breaking down..
Saturday. Breaking down the exhibition went fast and smooth. Now some time to relax and prepare my stuff for the trip to Siberia.
Sunday. Did recover a bit from last week. With my new haircut people start making more comments like I became muslim or calling me Mohammed B. I don’t know about that..
Monday. Back to Haarlem. 3 days to go and then 3 weeks not going to Haarlem..
Tuesday. A milestone today. 100th day of not shaving. For the rest, another day at the office.
Wednesday. Last day in Haarlem and then 3 weeks off. Hopefully getting some reading and editing done this weekend
Thursday. Day off and starting with enjoying 3 weeks of not going to the office.
Friday. After a nice dinner yesterday, working and going to Haarlem in the afternoon doing research for the event at Nieuwe Vide..
Saturday. Interesting plans for NV.
today working/meeting people/wachting Kunstvlaai.. And trying to relax a bit..
Sunday. Finishing some work. Going to Haarlem to see a performance and going to Enschede after.
Monday. Back in Enschede, seeing my DAI friends. But still busy on other projects.
Tuesday. Has been a slow day at DAI yesterday, but good conversation in the evening. Today 8 presentations to attend.
Wednesday. Today hopefully an update for the trip to Siberia.
Thursday. Last day in Enschede this week.
Friday. Finishing DAI week again in Haarlem at Nieuwe Vide.
Last arrangements to make for the trip and finishing the birthday card for my sisters upcoming baby..
Sunday. After a late night partying now packing my luggage for Siberia, finally..
Monday. National holiday. Last preparations and a meeting for the Nieuwe Vide show. Goncalo coming over to stay a couple of nights.
Went to an opening yesterday and got a spontaneous reaction on my beard from the (bearded) waiter: really good beard…
Tuesday. Last day before take off. Last week the schedule was to leave today, but things happen and schedules’ change.
Wednesday. Take off from Amsterdam to Budapest to Moscow where we change over to the transsib to Irkutsk, all in one day.
Day116/27-05-2010/around 13:00pm
Thursday. First day on the train. Stayed up till 04:00am (Moscow time). Already started to get light. Slept OK on the bunk-bed, but feel my back. Started to read ‘on the road’ [Jack Kerouac] which is a bit contradictory to our trip by train. Our train trip being very strict, with stops of 10 minutes, 2 or 3 times a day.
Friday. Had quite a good night. Don’t feel my back that much anymore. Still have to go for 2 more nights. Having a shower on the train today.
Saturday. Starting to get confused by the time/space mesh up. Train is still on Moscow time, but outside the train is a different time zone. Moscow time is 2 hours ahead of Amsterdam time. But heading to Irkutsk, is heading to 5 more hours.. One more night on the train. We will get of at 05:00am Moscow time, which is 10:00am Irkutsk time.
Sunday. Arrived at Nikita’s homestead at the Island Olchon, after a 6 hours bus ride and half an hour on the ferry.
Monday. Scouting for a shaving spot for tomorrow.
Tuesday. Shaving day, found a great spot. No picture today, while the picture-taking is a replacing ritual for shaving everyday.
Today being exactly 4 months after I started this project of not shaving, I will shave of my beard.